Hello !
I’m Kees Verdaasdonk!
Working in healthcare for 35 years as a physical therapist, in a wide variety of settings, I continued to witness the ongoing decline that comes with getting older, despite our so-called advances in healthcare.
It was not until I experienced severe burnout that I was confronted with a sudden and rapid decline in my own health and vitality.
It was a giant wake-up call, and it forced me at the age of 58 to have a serious look at my life and discover the truth why this had happened for me.
Looking back there were many warning signs (symptoms) along the way, but just like many I just kept going until I was so run down, that I had no choice.
The lack of energy prevented me not only from working but also took away my ability to handle and enjoy life.
It was during this forced "time-out" that the philosophy of Optimal Health Solutions was born.
I discovered that our energy is our most important currency and that this energy drives everything. It drives not only your health but also how you are able to handle and enjoy life.
If an ongoing lack of energy is not addressed at its root cause, then it will push not only your physical body eventually into deeper stages of disease, aka chronic disease, but also other aspects of your life.
Other aspects like your love relationship, your home life, your career/finances, but maybe most of all, your ability to live life on your terms.
We are all spiritual beings having a human experience and your physical body is the vehicle that allows you to experience this journey.
Optimal Physical Health allows you not only to make the most out of this journey, but also to enjoy the ride.
The Physical Body is an expression of all that you are, but so is your career, your relationships, and that which you call home. These outer aspects are aka manifestation aspects, called your life.
Your inner aspects (mental, emotional and spiritual aspects) are at the core of what you have manifested thus far. This includes the health of your physical body, but also the health of your career, your relationships as well as the quality of the environment you reside in.
Any dis-ease in any of these 7 aspects will limit the manifestation of Optimal Physical Health as the physical body is the physical expression of all of the dis-eases that we encounter in these 7 aspects.
If any dis-ease (symptom) is not addressed at the core, it will eventually be expressed as a true disease.
Dis-ease is nothing but a lack of flow of energy. The dis-ease is the symptom, a sign from within, as the need as to restore the flow of energy, so your body can heal itself.
This lack of flow can be physical due to physical toxins that prevent the cells from functioning optimally on a bio-chemical level, as well as a lack of flow on a bio-energetic level due to mental-emotional toxins.
Unfortunately, we live in a society where we are not only conditioned to not listen to our own inner guidance, but also are bombarded with so called "instant solutions" as to just keep going.
We all adjust in our unique unhealthy ways, but often unaware that we do. This until it really starts negatively affecting our vitality, our health, relationships, career and/or our immediate environment, and thus our ability to enjoy life.
Many when they get to this point, start to feel stuck, that they have no choice, or even feeling burned out, and starting to develop health issues. These health issues can range from being tired all the time, gaining weight easily, having no sex drive, or even developing auto-immune diseases. Many start to feel that life becomes more of a struggle and are losing the ability to handle and enjoy life.
I ended up being burned out and it all seemed to happen "suddenly". However, looking back there were many signs along the way, but I did like everybody else……….I just kept going,... doing the best I knew how,.....until I could do no more.
I was "forced" to take time off and during this time the philosophy of Optimal Health Solutions was born. I learned that I had to manifest more ease so that my life force was able to flow again optimally, and allowing my body to do what it was designed to do, which is manifesting Optimal Health. It was not an easy road back but very rewarding in the long term.
My mission now is to help my clients and students to optimize their health and vitality, by teaching them how to reduce and eliminate the toxins in ALL aspects of their life, as energy cannot flow in a polluted environment.
Eliminating toxins needs to be done both on a BIOCHEMICAL as well as a BIOENERGETIC level.

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