Mother Earth, the Magnetic (Magic) Mother
Mother Earth is here to nurture us. Not only by the food that it provides in abundance but also through her amazing energy. Unfortunately, we live in a society that is keeping us away from the gifts that she is always ready to provide at all times.
The few that has enslaved humanity, which we continue to allow primarily due to ignorance (=not knowing), are keeping us trapped by dumbing us down through the school system, the false media, fake science, as well as polluting our bodies through providing primarily non-living foods, "healing" us with poison, and preventing us to get ahead through slavery jobs and stealing our hard-earned money through exuberant taxes.
The "system" that has been created by the few, is keeping us behaving like the conditioned elephant, that still thinks he is changed up. We are and always have had the opportunity to take our power and lives back.
By spending time in Nature and eating the living foods that mother nature provides, we awaken this inner power and feel the surge of being ALIVE again. The rhythm of nature resonates with our inner nature and thus when we spend time in nature and eating the food it provides in its unadulterated state then it provides us not only with renewed energy each and every day, but we will start to awaken the connection to the Divine.
This connection has been lost by living in an upside-down society, a L-brain society. A society where the intellect, science, computers, AI, keep us stuck in the Delta brain waves and through that determines our inner reality aka perception, which determines how we view ourselves and the world around us. This is the perception of limitations, of playing it small, as we are not seeing through the eye of God but through the eye of our own limited beliefs.
Many have become a living Zombie, going through the motion, devoid of Life, as we have been ignoring our own inner Nature, our own inner feminine, for eons of time.
It is up to each of us as to allow the inner feminine to rise up (Kundalini Rising) and Mother Nature is our greatest allies as to make this happen, as she is the mirror. Outer Nature - Inner Nature.
Avoid the fake media, take some "alone" time, walk barefoot, watch the Sun rise, go for a swim, eat a vegan diet, start your own garden, drink clean water, get embraced by the sun, etc. and you will start to re-awaken the beauty within, that never left you but was hidden away in a dark closet.
It's time to manifest happiness. The choice is yours to start the journey, to do the work.

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