The environment we live in has a big impact on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The environment on a grant scale is represented by Planet Earth.
We all know how many challenges there are, as to prevent that humanity will destroy the planet that we call home. Pollution on many levels (air, water, soil) is threatening our survival. Cutting down of the rain forest, so we can continue to consume products, spraying of harsh chemicals that are polluting our soil, water and food, are just a few examples of how we are destroying the foundation that provides us life.
Eating chemical loaded food, inhaling polluted air and drinking contaminated water is also destroying our inner environment, our physical health. On top of that, in our society the main "cure" for restoring health is taking even more toxins (medications).
The majority of the homes that people live in are often the most toxic environments. This because of the toxic products that are used (cleaning supplies, chemical treated carpets/woods/furniture) and many people are totally unaware of this.
As always, the first step is awareness and allowing yourself to be educated so you can make more informed choices.
The Energy4Life scan will help you identify which substances in your environment
may be having a negative influence on your health and wellbeing.
Here is an example of the Energy4Life scan regarding environment.