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The 5-Phase Healing Journey

From Disease to Dis-ease to Ease


To experience a great life, you first must get the food right, so that the system is free from dis-ease, so the rest of your journey is not slowed down by the physical pain body that we experience with improper eating for our bodies.

Whether you have Chronic illness such as Cancer, Leukemia, aids, herpes, or IBS, chronic fatigue, skin issues, obesity, brain fog, seizures, heavy metal toxicity, poisoning, diabetes, arthritic joints, etc…….in our “healthcare” industry you will be offered a treatment, which in most cases adds to the toxicity within your system and shortening your lifespan even further.

This because there is no nutrition wisdom (gnosis) in a doctor trained by the “system” and thus you will rarely be advised to change your diet 1st.

If something in regards to diet is recommended then it will be the standard western diet format, which is not the truth or correct fuel for your system.












By doing this 5-Phase Healing Journey, you will experience the transformation, and this will bring in a knowing in you, rather than a be-lie-f. This is wisdom and once experienced, then nothing will be able to sway you.

With the correct food/fuel for your system you will become supernatural just by being SUPER NATURAL.

Food becomes your form, and you will have a junk DNA with junk food and live living DNA with living food. So… make this shift. You will never regret the new feeling of life…. Please have faith in this.

This Journey contains 5 phases based on the levels of dis-ease one is experiencing. Please work your way from 1 to 5 and then back from 4 to wherever phase you choose to sit and stay within your vibration at this time.


You will have a nervous system and a key immune system reset, and you will feel this so profoundly. Some issues may remain in the mind-body connection where dis-ease is being created by extreme thinking/beliefs.

Be sure to join the Telegram Group and share and connect with others that are also on this journey.

Stay strong. This is YOUR journey and only YOU can choose to walk this walk.

Here are the 5 Phases......................



                                    PHASE 1 HEALING PROTOCOL

Phase 1 is when you are transitioning away from a commercial diet and not yet on whole foods. This eating protocol will help heal many dis-eases, you will lose weight, feel great and have a higher vibration.

We suggest this phase 1 when trying heal from non- terminal dis-eases such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, eczema and other skin diseases, early diabetes and a lot of the time, all diabetes, some cancers/leukemia. However, at times you may need more purity (in Mind, Body and Spirit). This purity is provided with each advancing phase and affects all aspects, not just the physical.

This phase 1 is a level up from buying any food in packages, any pre-cooked, convenience food with additives such as sugar, caffeine and more, as well as stop consuming all meat, dairy, sugar, oil, soy, and yeast.

Humans are the only species on earth that cooks food, and by cooking we are only denaturing it. Cooking removes digestive enzymes and live nutrients and so the body will now have to make these, causing stress and acidity.


This is why one will feel lethargy after a big, cooked meal, as in turn it takes away prana, your life-force energy, which is stored in your gut. It also drops the alkaline nature of foods and increases acidity. Eating cooked foods as a staple will ultimately cap not only your health but also your vibration.

As soon as you stop consuming these processed and cooked foods in this phase 1, you will not be getting any worse and thus you have time, so do not stress…and advance through each of the phases at your own pace.

This is a journey. If you have chosen to go with pharmaceuticals, we suggest you work with your doctors to come off these, as these treatments are not a cure and causes lots of acidity and poor function.

We need to use the food as our medicine and let the body renew and cleanse. Simple, we have all watched our cuts heal, our body will do the same everywhere. We just must provide it the opportunity to do so.

I suggest coming from eating a typical western diet, this phase 1 should be followed first in any case for at least 2 weeks or as much as 6 weeks and you then can see how far your ailment is healing/healed and progress from there.

I strongly recommend doing at least each protocol for 14 days from phase 1 through 4 and if you choose to do the water-fast (phase 5) then try to do this for at least 72 hrs.  After this you go back from phase 4 to wherever phase you choose to sit and stay within your vibration at that time. This will remedy pretty much everything… and you allowing your being to flow naturally into healing. You will heal ….have patience and faith and if you need further healing go to Phase 2.

Phase 1 guideline; In this phase you can still have some cooked foods but try to keep it to a minimal.

Upon rising: 300 ml Distilled copper water

30 mins later: 500 ml to I liter of your favorite freshly made juice.

This can be any juice (celery, apple, cucumber, carrot, orange, watermelon), with fruit juice being optimal.

2 hours later: a vegetable or fruit smoothie

Lunch 2-3 hours later: A salad of your choice, some steamed vegetables with some nuts and seeds and some cooked foods like a sweet potato.

Snack- 2-3 hours later: another smoothie or juice (fruits of vegetable)

Ex-ample: 3 banana 1 mango 1 small avocado with 100ml orange juice

Dinner 1 to 2 hours later: A fruit meal, fruit salad.

Example fruits: papaya , mango, banana, apple, orange, strawberries mixed..

Before bedtime: If you are hungry have a Juice and if not drink 300ml of copper water.







                                         PHASE 2 HEALING PROTOCOL

RAW is key at this Phase 2.

We suggest doing this phase after at least 2 weeks on stage 1 to make sure the body does not have too much of a heavy detox, and thus to allow this journey to be progressive, pain free and in-joy-able… 

Continue with this for 2 weeks if you are going through the phases in 14-day increments which is what we suggest, or alternatively do 6 weeks and see if reversal of any symptoms or disease has happened.

This Phase 2 will bring more purity, a more alkaline environment and heal more progressive diseases, and also bring the gift of more clarity, more perception, love and balance to your being.

If you want to heal you must gain control of the foods that have been controlling you. 


Phase 2 guideline; In this phase you must stop all cooked foods. This can be a challenge as the beings (parasites, candida, etc.) that are living on these foods will try to get you back on it. These are the cravings that may cause quite the battle as for you to cave in.  

Upon rising: 300 ml Distilled copper water

30 mins later: 500 ml to I liter of your favorite freshly made juice.

This can be any juice (celery, apple, cucumber, carrot, orange, watermelon), with fruit juice being optimal.

2 hours later: a vegetable or fruit smoothie

Lunch 2-3 hours later: A salad of your choice. This can be a regular salad or fruit salad.

Snack- 2-3 hours later: another smoothie or juice (fruits of vegetable)

Dinner 1 to 2 hours later: A fruit meal, fruit salad.

Example fruits: papaya , mango, banana, apple, orange, strawberries mixed.

Before bedtime: If you are hungry have a Juice and if not drink 300ml of copper water.



Again…………. if you need further healing or are progressing in the 14-day increments go to phase 3 healing protocol.


                                    PHASE 3 HEALING PROTOCOL

If you are on this stage, well done you are doing incredible. Know that great things are happening, so stay observant. 

This protocol is after a Raw food protocol for at least 14 days and now we are removing things such as the nightshades family, all fiber from vegetables and sticking with raw living fruits ONLY.

With smoothies and juices please chew and get the saliva to aid in enzyme production. This will protocol will rid nearly all diseases … keep up the God work.

Upon rising: 300 ml Distilled copper water

30 mins later: 500 ml of your favorite freshly made juice

2 hours later: 1 liter of fresh juice- Orange is our favorite and most convenient


Lunch 2-3 hours later: Smoothie of your choice 

Ex-ample; 3 banana, Pineapple with 100ml orange juice or coconut juice

Snack 2 hours later: Any fresh juice 500ml  or a small 500ml  smoothie


Dinner 1 to 2 hours later: A fruit meal, fruit salad, or even better a mono fruit meal where you would eat abundance of one fruit. Example 25 figs, 6 mangoes, 8 bananas, ext. 

Before bedtime: If you are hungry have a Juice and if not drink 300ml of copper water.





In this phase 3, you are gaining mastery over your basic desires and consciousness will be vibrating higher, and freedom from so many things comes with this level of eating.

You are healing everyday  …. Keep the faith strong and if you need further healing or are progressing in the 14 day increments then go to phase 4.

                                PHASE 4 HEALING PROTOCOL

Here you are very close to pure mastery over your basic desires and consciousness and your perception should have increased so much that you should be experiencing strong connection to earth and other beings, as well as newfound clairvoyance and empathy with all life, freedom is forming, this level of eating is bringing your light body into a space of access.


Stay strong and remember if your thoughts are coming in for food, see the thought as a separate entity than yourself and practice giving no attention to it and let it pass…. Keep in control and your virtues will be coming to life. 

Make sure you join the Telegram group to find people on a similar healing journey and share  and support everyone, at this stage you have so much experience to share.

You are healing everyday  …. Keep the empowerment strong and after the 14 days go to stage 5 healing protocol for the final cleanse. You are stepping in your true power.


                                      PHASE 5 HEALING PROTOCOL

Welcome to the highest level of purity from any consumption. Here it is key to make sure we inner-stand water and its capabilities, and to treat it with the highest awareness we have.

Please see all the information we have on water to become familiar


                                      3-14 days of water only fasting



                                                         Meal plan

We advise to drink distilled water and store in a copper vessel for 8 hours before consumption.

We suggest buying a glass bottle such as this to store the water in and using as a guide for you consumption. 750ml to 1 liter for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and 250ml as snacks.. yum.

Listen to your body. Here you are a master over the food element and all desires related. You have gained control and now will never be bothered by demons of lower desires…

Keep this up to 40 days (for AIDS and extreme “incurable” diseases) if you wish, you are now automatically connecting to the di-vine and freeing negativity from the past and living in a present state due to the fact of purity.

If one feels they can, feel free to dry fast on your journey and just be present in listening to your system.


It’s a great time to contemplate life, be still and rest.

After this phase is complete, to make sure healing is complete, it would be great if you have the power to reverse the courses to get back to where you wish to stay..... Phase 4,3,2 and 1. In-joy your fresh bill of health.

                                             BALANCE is the key


Well done on completing this Journey. You should now go by your senses and continue to feel free from all dis-ease. Welcome to the Optimal state of Being

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